(RightIsRight.co) – In a shocking display of lawlessness in Democrat-run Los Angeles with its ongoing struggle with violent crimes, a Metro bus hijacking turned deadly and killed a passenger.
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The harrowing nightmare began around midnight near Manchester Boulevard and Figueroa Street when an unidentified suspect seized control of a Metro bus.
The driver activated a panic button that displayed “911 Call Police” on the bus’s external digital readouts.
As the hijacked bus continued its terrifying journey through the streets of Los Angeles, several passengers managed to escape before police arrived.
However, the driver and two passengers remained trapped with the armed suspect, sparking a tense hour-long pursuit that ended near Alameda Street and Sixth Street.
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Deputy Chief Donald Graham revealed the desperate measures taken to halt the rogue bus:
“Officers deployed multiple spike strips in an attempt to stop the bus. And the spike strips were finally effective on the bus in the area … at Alameda Street, just south of Sixth (Street).”
Treating the situation as a potential hostage crisis, SWAT officers employed flash-bang devices and other tactics to apprehend the suspect and rescue the remaining hostages.
One passenger succumbed to multiple gunshot wounds, while the driver and another passenger escaped physical harm but were left severely traumatized.
In turn, this horrific incident is just the latest in a series of violent events plaguing Los Angeles County’s public transportation system. It follows the recent killings of Juan Luis Gomez-Ramirez and Mirna Soza Arauz on public transit.
Metro spokesman Jose Ubaldo issued a statement, praising law enforcement while sidestepping the broader issues of public safety:
“Metro is grateful for the LAPD’s swift action regarding this morning’s bus hijacking incident and is grateful the operator was unharmed. Metro is providing the operator with the support he needs. This is still an active investigation being led by the LAPD.”
As the investigation continues, questions arise about the suspect’s background and how they were able to carry out such a brazen attack.
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