CNN Makes WILD Claim About Melania

CNN Makes WILD Claim About Melania

( – CNN’s shocking demand for $250,000 to interview Melania Trump about her upcoming memoir has been exposed as yet another attempt by the leftist lamestream media to discredit the Trump family.

This blatant attack on the former First Lady’s reputation quickly backfired when the truth came to light, which revealed the depths of media manipulation in their relentless pursuit to undermine conservative values.

As Melania prepares to release her highly anticipated memoir, “Melania,” on October 8, CNN’s desperate attempts to secure an interview with her took an unexpected turn.

The liberal news network claimed that Skyhorse Publishing, Melania’s book publisher, demanded a hefty $250,000 fee for an interview with her.

However, this sensationalized story quickly unraveled as nothing more than fake news.

Skyhorse Publishing’s president, Tony Lyons, swiftly clarified that the fee request was the result of an internal miscommunication and that neither Melania nor her team had any knowledge of such a demand.

“Neither Melania nor anyone from her team knew anything about the NDA and the document that was sent reflected an internal miscommunication,” Lyons stated, exposing CNN’s eagerness to jump on any opportunity to tarnish the Trump name.

Moreover, this incident sheds light on the left-wing media’s relentless attempts to undermine conservative figures, even resorting to twisting innocent misunderstandings into full-blown controversies.

This backlash is a stark reminder of the biased reporting that plagues mainstream news outlets, constantly seeking to discredit those who do not align with their liberal agenda.

While CNN and other liberal media outlets continue their smear campaign against the Trump family, Melania has chosen to take the high road.

She recently made a rare media appearance on Fox News to promote her book, demonstrating her commitment to honest and unbiased reporting.

Unlike CNN, Fox News did not demand any outrageous fees for the interview, further exposing the double standards in mainstream media.

“Occasional political disagreements between me and my husband … [are] part of our relationship, but I believed in addressing them privately rather than publicly challenging him,” she wrote.

The former First Lady’s memoir promises an intimate look into her life and experiences as First Lady.

Unlike the sensationalized narratives pushed by the mainstream media, her book will provide an authentic account of her time in the White House, addressing various topics including her stance on important issues like immigration and abortion.

It is worth noting that while the liberal media obsesses over fabricated controversies, they conveniently ignore the real issues plaguing the nation under the current administration.

From the crisis at our southern border to the erosion of our constitutional rights, the left-wing media’s priorities are clearly misplaced.

Furthermore, Melania Trump’s upcoming memoir serves as a beacon of truth in a sea of media bias, offering readers an opportunity to hear directly from a strong conservative woman who has faced unrelenting attacks from the liberal establishment.

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