Pro-Life Advocates Fight Back

( – In response to the free vasectomy and abortion services offered at the Democrat National Convention (DNC), pro-life advocates fought back by handing out free diapers outside the event.

Pro-life groups organized this counteraction against a mobile clinic that provided free abortions and vasectomies during the DNC in Chicago.

The New York Post reported that Planned Parenthood set up the clinic near the convention, aiming to treat around 35 patients.

Protesters outside the clinic held signs that said, “Abortion takes a human life” and “It’s Not Too Late.”

Across the street from where Planned Parenthood had its mobile setup alongside a vibrant taco truck blasting music, another pro-life group set up shop with its own van decked out with ultrasound equipment and abortion-reversing drugs.

In reaction, pro-life diaper company EveryLife announced its plan to give free diapers to mothers who are looking for alternatives to abortion.

The company has also committed to supplying a lifetime of diapers to mothers who choose to continue their pregnancies.

According to the outlet, this effort is part of a broader collaboration with Sidewalk Advocates for Life and ThriVe Nation, which also includes offering ultrasound services through a mobile medical unit stationed outside the DNC.

EveryLife’s initiative is focused on supporting pregnant women who visit the Planned Parenthood bus but decide to keep their babies.

Sarah Gabel Seifert, co-founder and president of EveryLife, shared her thoughts on Planned Parenthood’s actions.

“While Planned Parenthood mocks and contributes to the devaluing of the family unit and demise of our nation, EveryLife will continue to champion life and parenthood,” she said in a statement.

She firmly added, “We are honored to provide a tangible resource to help moms in need choose life, knowing that diapers can be the difference between life and death for a baby.”

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