26 Million Postcards?!

(RightIsRight.co) – In what seems to be a strategic move, a progressive organization plans to dispatch 26 million postcards to increase voter participation in 11 swing states before the 2024 election.

Progressive Turnout Project (PTP), a Chicago-based progressive political action committee (PAC), will unveil its 2024 “Postcards to Swing States program.”

This initiative involves mobilizing approximately 203,000 volunteers to personally write 26 million postcards and dispatch them to “inconsistent” Democratic voters.

PTP President Alex Morgan highlighted the significant impact of handwritten postcards on voter turnout, which cited research indicating an average increase of 1%.

“We love using data-driven methods to boost Democratic turnout and our volunteers love to write postcards, so this is a match made in heaven that will make all the difference for President Biden and Democrats up and down the ticket this November,” he added.

The program, a strategic component of a broader $30 million initiative for 2024, will receive a $1.82 million investment.

In addition to postcards, the comprehensive program encompasses mail reminders, distributed organizing, and relational organizing and employs various strategies to enhance voter turnout.

In turn, volunteers had already committed to crafting over 2.5 million postcards, all of which will be delivered to voters across 11 states: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin.

The PAC anticipates that sending 26 million postcards will increase turnout by 260,000 voters leading up to November.

Notably, in Georgia, a crucial swing state where Joe Biden secured victory by fewer than 12,000 votes in 2020, PTP aims to drive turnout up by over 13,000 votes.

In 2024, PTP has set four primary objectives: aiding in Biden’s reelection, maintaining Democratic control of the Senate, flipping the lower chamber to blue, and securing victories in select state-level contests.

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