Huge Transgender Court Decision

( – In a huge win for concerned parents, the Texas State Supreme Court recently confirmed the legality of a state law that prohibits transgender minors from accessing certain medical treatments.

The court ruled 8-1 to stop hormone therapy, puberty blockers and sex-change surgeries for those under 18.

Writing for the majority, Justice Rebeca Aizpuru Huddle argued that the decision was within the legislature’s rights due to the emerging nature of gender dysphoria treatments and their legislative power to oversee medical practices.

In contrast, Justice Debra Lehrmann, the lone dissenting voice, criticized the law as “cruel” and “unconstitutional,” asserting that the treatments in question could be critical, even life-saving for some.

The ruling was met with strong opposition from advocates like Ash Hall from the ACLU of Texas, who argued that it unjustly targets transgender youth, stating, “Our government shouldn’t deprive trans youth of the health care that they need to survive and thrive.”

“Texas politicians’ obsession with attacking trans kids and their families is needlessly cruel,” Hall added.

The ACLU also expressed concerns that the decision endangers trans youth, their families and healthcare providers by forbidding what is often referred to as “gender-affirming care.”

Under the new law, minors currently undergoing such treatments are required to stop in a manner deemed medically appropriate.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a staunch supporter of the law, commended the decision.

He emphasized his commitment to preventing “dangerous gender confusion procedures by prohibiting puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and mutilative surgeries on minors.”

“We will always defend children in Texas from these irreversible procedures. My office will use every tool at our disposal to ensure that doctors and medical institutions follow the law,” Paxton added.

Governor Greg Abbott signed the bill into law last year while and state Sen. Bob Hall stated, “We are the Legislature — our job is to protect people. We protect children against lots of things. We don’t let them smoke. We don’t let them drink. We don’t let them buy lottery cards … And so we are doing the right thing.”

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