‘Special Interest Aliens’ Found Where?!

Red light

(RightIsRight.co) – In a highly alarming exposure of the grave dangers the nation faces due to Joe Biden’s open border policy, newly revealed government data shows that thousands of “special interest aliens” from the Middle East have been arrested at the Southern Border in the past two years.

The Internal Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data acquired by Fox News discloses that over 10,000 “special interest aliens” were caught at the border with Mexico between October 2021 and October 2023.

That number includes encounters with 6,386 nationals from Afghanistan, 3,153 from Egypt, 659 from Iran, and 538 from Syria, among others from varied nations.

The term “special interest aliens” denotes individuals from countries that, according to the US government, either uphold conditions fostering terrorism or could conceivably present a national security threat to the US.

The data, substantiated by multiple CBP sources, doesn’t account for encounters by CBP’s Office of Field Operations at ports of entry, nor the figures of those who have evaded agents undetected – the so-called gotaways.

The fiscal year 2023 saw an unprecedented 151 encounters on the FBI terror watch list at the southern border between ports of entry, surpassing the total of the prior six years combined.

Border Patrol sources express grave concerns about individuals originating from special interest countries, highlighting the substantial challenge in vetting them due to a lack of shared data with the US from their home countries.

Unless these individuals have a criminal history in the US or appear on a federal watch list, agents lack the necessary information to determine their criminal background, even when fingerprints are available, Fox News notes.

An assessment from the Department of Homeland Security, released last month, indicated a rise in the number encountered on the watch list and cautioned that “terrorists and criminal actors may exploit the elevated flow and increasingly complex security environment to enter the United States.”

“Individuals with terrorism connections are interested in using established travel routes and permissive environments to facilitate access to the United States,” it states.

More than 7 million illegal immigrants, including 2 million gotaways, have invaded the US on Biden’s watch so far. Among them were 260,000 migrants detained in September alone.

In response to the “acute and immediate need” to curb unlawful entries, the Biden administration opted to suspend over two dozen federal regulations to facilitate border wall construction in South Texas last week.